Jesus: I Speak to You Again

Chapter 73

A Spiritual Aristocracy Is the World’s Future

The emergence of a spiritual aristocracy will not happen overnight. It will take time, even decades. However, Lithuania has the potential to begin this transformation in the near future by evolving from a democratic political system into a Spiritual Presidential Republic. In this new system, the country would be governed by the most spiritually enlightened sons and daughters of the Father, dedicated to serving Him. These spiritual leaders would focus on the Father’s business—spreading love and peace—rather than pursuing the interests of political factions at the expense of others.

The Father’s business is about sharing love with everyone, including those seen as enemies. These so-called enemies are not true enemies, but rather brothers and sisters with lower spiritual awareness. They are labeled as enemies only by those whose consciousness is also influenced by lower spiritual vibrations. From Lithuania’s perspective, the highest concentration of love should be directed toward those viewed as political adversaries, such as Russia, Belarus, Iraq, Afghanistan, and leaders of terrorist groups. These individuals need love the most, as they are lost in the darkness of low spiritual vibrations.

Instead of viewing these people with hostility, Lithuania must send out vibrations of love and spiritual light. The love of the Father is the most powerful force in the universe, far surpassing any weapon, even nuclear ones. These love vibrations should also be sent to North Korea, Iran, and their leaders, as well as to the people and leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and all nations. This act of sending love is not a democratic decision but a personal spiritual choice, made from the soul.

This is not democracy; it is a form of autocratic spiritual leadership. I am not asking you to debate or vote on this direction. With my deeper insight into the operation of the Father’s love, I know how the principle of cause-action-consequence works throughout creation, down to the smallest details. Based on this wisdom, I am presenting the path you should follow. However, I do not impose this upon you; I simply offer a greater understanding of the Father’s love and its principles.

When you gather as a collective to send out love vibrations, the power of your actions increases exponentially. You are not alone in this effort. Invisible spiritual beings join you, and those with open souls may even feel their presence. To make a meaningful impact, you must act sincerely and with devotion, out of your own free will.

When I speak of changing Lithuania’s system of governance, I refer not only to politics but also to every aspect of life—education, family, science, economics, sports, and individual personal growth. All of these must align with the love vibrations of the Father already within you. Only then will you begin to see the effects in your daily lives. Relationships in families, schools, workplaces, and government will improve, and evidence of the Father’s love will become undeniable. What may seem like fantasy now will reveal itself as more real than the political and economic systems you currently live under.

By following this path, your views on democracy, the church, politics, and all areas of life will change. You will realize that those who are truly devoted to the Father can lead the state with wisdom, showing the way of love and truth to the world. This is the path of the Father, and it is also my path.

As the Creator and Ruler of the universe, I govern together with the Mother Spirit, whose spirit, the Holy Spirit, you often confuse with a higher divine figure. Our universe is ruled by the law of the Father’s love, and so should your world. No exceptions exist in the Father’s creation. The same principle of love applies everywhere, across all races, nations, religions, and levels of spiritual awareness.

By committing to this path of love, you can begin to change your reality. You will see that the things you once thought impossible to change can be transformed. Start today by opening your heart to the Father and sending love to those who hurt, despise, and slander you. This act is the true meaning of “turning the other cheek,” and it is more powerful than any method you’ve tried before. It is not merely a concept, but a real and active way to overcome evil with good.

Direct the love you receive from the Father to everyone, especially those who cause you pain. Do it with your whole heart and soul, without seeking recognition or reward. If your ego takes pride in this act, you block the flow of love. Love cannot be controlled by the ego; it must flow freely from the soul, filling you so completely that it radiates outward without any thought of yourself. In this state, there is no room for pride, only the pure, selfless expression of love.