Jesus: I Speak to You Again

Chapter 88

Those Who Nailed Me Down on the Cross Were Innocent

When I was being nailed to the cross, as a man among men, I had the power to liberate myself as the Creator and Ruler of the Universe. With all my might, I could have escaped the pain and suffering. Yet, my love for both the Father and for all of you—including those who were nailing me—kept me from acting in any way other than love. I endured the physical pain and the derision of my soul, all the while remaining steadfast in the Father’s truth and love. I did not accuse, condemn, or judge anyone. Instead, I simply loved—loved with a fullness that embraced all, including those who drove the nails through my flesh. I prayed sincerely to the Father to forgive them, for they acted out of ignorance and darkness, not malice.

Those who crucified me did not understand what they were doing. Their actions were driven by the blindness of their hearts, their confusion, and their lack of spiritual awareness. In truth, their sin was far less grievous than the actions of those who today, in high religious and political positions, speak grandly about me, about the Father, about justice, love, and morality—yet do nothing to live out these values in their own lives. They speak of righteousness, but they do not walk the path of righteousness. They proclaim the virtues of love, but do not allow love to transform their own hearts. Their words are hollow because their lives bear no witness to the truths they proclaim.

Two thousand years ago, I confronted the Pharisees and rabbis for this very reason. They claimed to guide people toward God, yet their own lives were not aligned with their teachings. They taught the law but did not live by it themselves. So, who is to blame? Is it the teacher who fails to live by his own teachings, or the followers who are left without a living example to follow? A teacher who says one thing but does another deceives not only his disciples but himself. Can such a teacher expect his disciples to follow him sincerely and honestly when his own actions betray the truth he speaks?

It was for this reason that I overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple and drove out the animals with a whip. The temple, which was supposed to be a place of communion with the Father, had been desecrated by dishonest practices and dead rituals. These actions did nothing but burden the people, both spiritually and materially, making it impossible for them to truly reach the Father’s heart. I accused the Pharisees and rabbis of focusing on outward appearances—wearing fine clothes and performing pompous rituals—while neglecting the true needs of their inner selves. Their souls were disconnected from justice and love, burdened by the weight of empty traditions.

So, when I prayed to the Father for those who crucified me, I meant it. They truly did not know what they were doing. Had they known, had they understood, they would not have nailed me to the cross. But those who plotted my death—those who schemed and calculated, who devised plans to silence me—they acted with full knowledge. They were not ignorant, and their sin was deliberate. Their hearts were hardened by fear and pride, and in their sin, they sought to destroy the truth that I embodied. Their actions were premeditated, and for that, they bore a heavier burden.